Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So I took Ryan in for a weight check today.  He gained another pound in the past 2 weeks--17 pounds 11 ounces.  I'd sort of suspected he'd have great weight gain, because my back is hurting.  I got a call from the ChIRP clinic dietician shortly thereafter....she said 

"his weight gain is excessive." 

seriously.  I could never have imagined we'd be at the point that we are overfeeding him. amazing.  a miracle.  thanks, God.

So, we have been asked to decrease his caloric intake significantly.  This is overwhelmingly awesome.  Ryan currently gets  just over 30% of his calories by bottle and the rest go in thru his G-tube.  It will now be about 50-50 as we can shut off the g-tube pump for abou thalf of the night.  Now we begin the process of growing less dependent on the g-tube. wow.  when people ask me how long Ryan will need the gtube, I always say something like  "years, but it's not really a big deal." This is because as long as that IV was off and Ryan's liver wasn't being poisoned by the IV nutrition, I didn't care about much else.  And, truthfully, I didn't think it was possible to wean Ryan off the gtube.  I figured he'd always be dependent on getting a ton of calories overnight via the gtube--maybe I've been conditioned to be a pessimist due to the feedback we were given while Ryan was in the NICU.  Well, today, I have new hope.  Something I couldn't have even prayed for b/c I just never even thought of it.

Anyway...I'm rambling, but I'm just overwhelmed with thanks for this miracle. our God is amazing.


amy said...

i am so so so happy and excited to hear this. go ryan and go god.

pmom said...

awesome! he outweighs Tatum by over a pound! Way to go Ryan :)

pmom said...
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Carrie said...

Awesome! Praising God with you!

Grandpa Buddy - Grandma Joanie said...

Great news!! Sharing in your Joy!!

Love&Hugs to all!!

GG Joanie & GG Buddy

Grandpa Buddy - Grandma Joanie said...
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Cassie said...
