Sunday, July 26, 2009


 i made bbq chicken pizza for the first time on friday and caitlin made herself a personal pizza.  i set the table, rushed around and once i saw john & caitlin had come to the table and john was waiting to say grace, i quickly sat down and closed my eyes to join him in praising the good Lord for what we have and praying a blessing over our food.  i opened my eyes while John was praying and saw this and couldn't contain myself:

1 comment:

Grandpa Buddy - Grandma Joanie said...

Caitlin showing off her fun personality in "bright blue specs!" Great choice! Loved the photos and commentary! Enjoyed the update of John, Caitlin
and Nora and Ryan! Pizza looked delicious,
compliments to the cooks!

Grandma Joanie & Grandpa Buddy