Caitlin is growing and learning so much right now. She is really such a sweet-hearted girl--she is extremely busy all the time and is so much fun. We are amazed at all she picks up on right now. Last week, John asked me how many words I thought Caitlin could say and I said 10-15--so we thought that we'd write them down for her scrapbook and we came up with about 45! Since then she's learned at least another 10 or so. Just this week, she's said
teeth, elbow (
bel-bow), poop,
wet....and the dreaded
mine! She has recently started finishing her words. "
book" went from
bah to
book (it's really more like bo-KAH as now she emphasizes the ending sound), "
milk" went from
mah to
She is also a very strong-willed little girl and we have had to figure out what type of parenting/disclipine style we are comfortable with--yikes, she went from a baby to a toddler really fast. She is really a joy. Her daycare teachers often write us notes about her sweet temperament. At daycare, she plays pretty independently still despite lots of other kids being there--they have circle song time every morning and Caitlin doesn't sing, she's quiet, but when the song is over, she goes off by herself and her teacher can hear her singing the songs alone. She loves to do the motions to itsy-bitsy spider.
LOVES: animals, tickles, talking and babbling, being outside, being chased, dancing, music, running water, baths, her blanket (somehow she has named it
DIS--dis stays in her crib though, and she is very sweet and says bye-bye to it every morning and after her nap), MILK (this is her biggest love lately), Gabby and Lacie who are such wonderful girls for putting up with Caitlin without bites or swats (a few hisses on Lacie's part, but they were well deserved)
HATES: brushing teeth, being dropped off at daycare